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Design Consultancy Branding


Identity, Story, Visual Design


One Week - June 2016



To create a logo and business card for my UX Consulting Business.  I wanted to portray a feeling of progress, forward thinking, innovation, and seeing things from a different perspective.  I also wanted to convey on a conceptual level, the process of melding the scientific method of research with the empathy and creativity that makes up experience design.



I considered the different elements that the UX design process embodies; valuing research and process, as well as advocating for users, being observant and reading between the lines. Being an empowering element of the team.


I think good Service and Experience design practice is the same as good leadership.  Leaders support and are in service to those they lead. Even the act of doing service design is essentially a service. Good teamwork involves constantly improving and designing the way we interact and work with our teams.  



Similar to the phases of the moon, are phases of design iteration, research and testing. I also considered the Service design perspective of stream-lining transitions, designing the backstage as well as the front stage.  Like the dark side of the moon, these internal systems are at work whether users are aware nor not.  

The rectangle/box is represents a view of the empty space yet to be filled. The “framework” given for innovation to happen.

I played around with an interactive business card design, where it entertained the feeling of touch screen actions on a physical card, referencing stages of low fidelity prototyping to test a  concept or design direction.  It was an interesting challenge to work within the confines of standard business card dimensions to create a quick and engaging visual representation of gestures.



I printed out a 5 different designs, 2 from the interactive design direction and 3 from the moon phases direction.  I observed the reactions people had when they were given the cards and also asked for feedback.  I also tried giving an option between the two directions and seeing which one people preferred.


There was generally delight once the person understood the humorous nod towards interactive prototyping, but visually it was not as compelling as the other designs below.  It evoked a more fleeting emotion rather than a more memorable or lasting interest.

The visual familiarity of the phases of the moon and the subtle futuristic style reminiscent of technological advancement and outer space was generally positively received.  From a story telling perspective, the concept of the moon was much more engaging and had a feeling of a larger vision overall.  I also found I enjoyed telling the story of the moon as a metaphor for the design process as a way of sharing my knowledge and learning what other correlations people have involving technology, space and progress.

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